Hello human with no humane(:
Ytd after school , i go bck , change to PE attrie ,
and come bck to school .
Cos i have CCA which is Volleyball .
As i reached at the school ,
First thing i do is to find Syafiqah and I asked her to
follow me to see Afiq , cos he having NPCC .
But i can't saw him ,
I walked one whole school with Syafiqah .
Then we go inside the garden , we eat and drinked .
And ,we walked at the path of the garden and sit at the
benches .
We took alot of photos thr , and we saw the NCC student
was running outside of the garden path way .
Yet we saw the NPCC student at the field ,
Me and syafiqah climb up the gate and watch they trained ,
but the NPCC students ,
were lying down cos of ,
they shld roll their body to the mud ,
And all of their body is muddy .
Fateen was the one of NPCC student ,
she asked me and syafiqah to go where she stand ,
and yet she put mud on my cheek ,
which is EWWWWWW ,
Thn skip ~
the NPCC student finished their training ,
and Afiq talked to me OMG !
He said my sister were upstairs .
And i go up with him and syafiqah .
Then fateen sabotage me ,
She pour cold water on me ,
and i was freezing at one place .
Then we go home together ,
Afiq promise me to send me home but he said
tht he going out . Then i go home by myself .
Ti'll here .